Server:RETRO|FFA NYCIP:ffa2.q3retro.comPort:27969
Server:WarZone FFA EUIP:ffaeu.q3retro.comPort:27962
Player StatsGame StatsAward StatsSkins:
Award Stats
Awards List
Best Accuracy with BFG Wiener_Retriever
Best Accuracy with Grenade Launcher mazurky
Best Accuracy with Lightning gun darkcloud
Best Accuracy with Machine gun Polaris
Best Accuracy with Plasma gun darkcloud
Best Accuracy with Rail gun mullet
Best Accuracy with Rocket Launcher Uncle Acid
Best Accuracy with Shot gun m0b1c
Best Killer with BFG B0B M4RL3Y
Best Killer with Gauntlet BiG*hASSle
Best Killer with Grenade Launcher .
Best Killer with Lightning gun RailGoon
Best Killer with Machine gun eva
Best Killer with Plasma gun Charming Wolverine
Best Killer with Rail gun RailGoon
Best Killer with Rocket Launcher Amok
Best Killer with Shot gun Polaris
Haste Hog Sfing_Ter
Mega Man Jake Dredd
Quad Whore B0B M4RL3Y
Regen Romper B0B M4RL3Y
Best Efficiency darkcloud
Best Killer Polaris
Highest Kill Streak kaskade
Award Listing for Best accuracy with lightning gun (top 50)
#Player Name Games   Hits   Shots   Accuracy 
1darkcloud45 4566 10204 44.75
2Polaris163 13218 31974 41.34
3m0b1c64 3980 10635 37.42
4G4rr1xX.65 8108 22298 36.36
5uuuuu186 16698 46309 36.06
6oOOo143 7757 21853 35.50
7mullet102 5876 16948 34.67
8eva49 1808 5286 34.20
9rehoboam(+)134 8546 25205 33.91
10nick55 2335 6903 33.83
11Turdnado45 3094 9216 33.57
12Hairy Butts212 9346 27901 33.50
13novice71 5378 16198 33.20
14RailGoon41 5639 17450 32.32
15Flesh58 6626 20598 32.17
16pl306 10844 33941 31.95
17.p3rfect.n0ob_127 6066 19035 31.87
18TIKI92 5485 17806 30.80
19FreshMeat64 4202 13716 30.64
20B0B M4RL3Y274 29961 98301 30.48
21Uncle Acid61 2342 7700 30.42
22Smiling Elephant65 2384 7881 30.25
23[VR]4mbu$h=c0w4rd414 48355 162383 29.78
24Yo, Adrian!39 1124 3788 29.67
25Northal116 3393 11605 29.24
26Observer48 1323 4532 29.19
27RUDY103 5658 19386 29.19
28err0r58 3090 10600 29.15
29VOID73 2022 7062 28.63
30baby**boomer106 2458 8634 28.47
31TigraoCavaludo304 17754 62380 28.46
32Charming Wolverine80 3236 11416 28.35
33nWo169 4958 17775 27.89
34Jaeger81 2200 7900 27.85
35mazurky46 3447 12394 27.81
36hacKamel207 16912 61022 27.71
37png95 2654 9672 27.44
38Ty Freaky $ign119 4926 18165 27.12
39HappyNoobYear188 5692 21019 27.08
40SHREK237 5804 22373 25.94
41BITCOIN120 2542 9881 25.73
42Tomek40 2290 8951 25.58
43PiNo157 4461 17907 24.91
44pipsqueak68 2411 9802 24.60
45pipsqueak58 1422 5819 24.44
46SharkBait38 1177 4836 24.34
47DiCKPuNcH!!!95 2840 11672 24.33
48Rattler77 1920 8056 23.83
49Wiener_Retriever69 1844 7741 23.82
50BiG*hASSle104 2049 8628 23.75
51Sexy Deer126 1334 5627 23.71
52**SHIVA**96 3399 14341 23.70
53SeaMonkey93 1447 6270 23.08
54**BRAHMA**46 526 2339 22.49
55[nsgPR]KUNKU50 1238 5508 22.48
56ax38 2406 10742 22.40
57clumpofcells81 1372 6173 22.23
58DAYSEEKER101 4178 18921 22.08
59Jake Dredd130 1538 7028 21.88
60joi46 457 2096 21.80
61dixie186 3313 15254 21.72
62*Air Strike*126 5612 25858 21.70
63Territorial Soldier72 3873 18169 21.32
64bird flu76 1669 7920 21.07
65Killing Joke75 1640 7806 21.01
66.51 935 4454 20.99
67=[Qi_iQ]=104 399 1902 20.98
68Ze47 1140 5494 20.75
69BL4D381 2856 13763 20.75
70Crazy Diamond48 89 430 20.70
71InstantMAGA224 2221 10826 20.52
72Little Sunshine74 1168 5869 19.90
73Strider63 1207 6155 19.61
74Zorin =^o.o^=70 1788 9131 19.58
75_=oOo=_153 1118 5754 19.43
76Kim Jong Un102 891 4594 19.39
77Noisy Peacock57 649 3404 19.07
78y4m4273 5227 28115 18.59
79The Ripper102 1339 7280 18.39
80Calm Creature87 2849 15784 18.05
81AI TRAINING48 825 4712 17.51
82Amok75 555 3215 17.26
83Picatrix54 330 1941 17.00
84FOCK Turdeau!97 1868 11623 16.07
85owlbear365 3573 23832 14.99
86ms.jackson50 462 3090 14.95
87WORNOUT152 1908 14120 13.51
88Dave38 426 3154 13.51
89BS72 1214 9396 12.92
90Sfing_Ter70 374 2960 12.64
91WOODKILL{TAG}39 260 2169 11.99
92WTF75 409 3501 11.68
938848238 800 7077 11.30
 powered by vsp stats processor © 2004-2014 by myrddin | Krillin 
 theme:bismarck by myrddin  vsp v0.47, last updated @ 2025-02-19 12:37:38 skin:evilsmurfs by GaD 
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